“What? Where? When” game to be hold dedicated to 10th anniversary of “AtaHolding” OJSC and 20th anniversary of “AtaBank” OJSC | Banco.az

“What? Where? When”  game to be hold  dedicated to 10th anniversary of AtaHolding OJSC and 20th anniversary  of  AtaBank  OJSC On 30th on November 2013  at 22.00pm  on AzTV.

The Vice-chairman of the executive board  Etibar Babashli will be a  captain of  the televiewers’  team.  Fazil Akhoundov,  Dilara Zamanova  from “AtaHolding”  OJSC,  Teymur  Akhoundov,  Oruc  Ibragimov, Ulviyya Magerramova,  Kainat Mamedov  from AtaBank OJSC,   Nargiz Mustafayeva  from “AtaInsurance”  OJSC,   Vusal  Aliyev from AtaTravel,  Murad Asadov,  Naila Chanashivili  from  “Excelsior  Hotel Baku”  will  take part  in the  game.

“AtaHolding”  OJSC  considers Corporate Social  Responsibility  as an important part of its business activity. Holding promotes the community development by supporting the  projects in the fields of education, sport and culture. "AtaHolding" initiates and takes an active part in socially-oriented programs, charity events, supports projects with the aim of developing the country’s culture, arts and increasing the level of education.

It should be mentioned that “AtaBank” OJSC is successfully functioning since 1993 as one of the largest commercial banks in Azerbaijan. “AtaBank” OJSC is considered as a hi-tech universal bank rending full complex of services to corporate and private clients. For those who want to get detailed information about AtaBank’s services and products can visit the bank’s page at the social network- www.facebook.com/atabank

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