OJSC Bank (Azerbaijan) ANNOUNCES A TENDER for purchasing creative gifts for the Nowruz holiday | Banco.az

Tender documentation is available at the Bank's office at: 38 Khatai Ave., Mecenat Plaza, OJSC Bank VTB (Azerbaijan), AZ 1008.

The competitive application must be posted on the website saas.procure.az certified by the seal of the counterparty (if the counterparty is an individual entrepreneur, by signature) no later than 16:00 on February 9, 2024.

Competitive (Tender) Committee of VTB Bank OJSC (Azerbaijan).
Contact person: Secretary of the Competitive (Tender) Committee

Farana Heydarova

Phone: 012 492-00-80 (internal number 5517)
Mobile: 055-201-60-59

Fax: 012 437-71-21

E-mail: [email protected]

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