On 15-16 November, 2018 III International Banking Forum “Cashless economy: transformation from traditional banking toward digital banking” will be held by Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Financial Markets Supervision Authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Banks Association.
Forum has the purpose of being the platform for discussing the initiatives and challenges of making the economy cashless, new and upcoming trends in digitalization, financial technologies, new banking products, innovations and risks in modern compliance, judicial compatibility and adaptation of the aforementioned to present legal framework, and impact of these processes on strengthening financial sustainability of banks, also other relevant subjects.
III International Banking Forum will bring together representatives of more that 100 international organizations and well known international companies from USA, EU, Japan, China, CIS and other countries.
Among the participants and speakers we have representatives of such giant banks like “Citibank”, “Commerzbank AG”, “Raiffeisen Bank International AG”, “Standard Chartered Bank”, also representatives of such world renowned financial and technological companies as “Mastercard”, “Discover Financial Services”, “DinersClub”, “American Express”, “Samsung Pay”, “UnionPay”, “Ernst & Young”, “Deloitte”, “Moody’s Investors Service”, “PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP”, “Yandex.Money”, “SWIFT”, “Interbank Card Centre (BKM)” of Turkey, “BPC Banking Technologies”, “KOBIL Systems” and others. For more information please use the following link: https://gbmevents.az/III-banking-forum/ .
Two day discussion which will cover 30 subjects includes presentations related to the transformation to digital banking and cashless economy, exchange of related ideas and experiences.
* The main purpose of the establishment of ABA was to actively protect the corporate interest of member organizations before legislative, executive and judicial bodies of the government, social organizations and international institutions, to meet their demand for different types of business services and to coordinate their activity.
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