“AtaBank” OJSС started “New Year, New Chance” competition on its’ facebook page | Banco.az

“AtaBank” OJSC is launching a new gift campaign “New Year, New Chance” on its’ Facebook  page from 16th  of  December 2013. The main purpose of campaign is cheering up and giving a sense of joy to users.

On 7th of January 2014 the winner of  21 days lasting contest will be announced. The winners will be awarded with VISA or MasterCard cards with 100,200 and 300 manats  on account.

The terms of the contest are very convenient. In order to participate in the campaign and get acquainted with rules visit the link below:

It should be mentioned that “AtaBank” OJSC successfully functioning since 1993 is one of the largest commercial banks of Azerbaijan. “AtaBank” OJSC is considered as a hi-tech universal bank rending full complex of services to corporate and private clients. For the detailed information about “AtaBank” services and products visit our official page on  Facebook – www.facebook.com/AtaBank

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