To capture the pulse of modern life and please it’s customers AtaBank OJSC realized next project. Launched from 25 April, 2019 Giveaway contest caused a great interest with their conditions and prizes.
By the conditions of giveaway participants must take photos with bench of Visa Signature card at Fountains Square, share it with hashtag and tag two friends under the contest publication.
On 13 May, 2019 winners randomly selected and announced in a live of Facebook.
Within the giveaway three winners will get special card Visa Signature and 100 manat from AtaBank. The winner’s list can be found here .
Get Visa Signature card and enjoy access to valuable benefits and advantages of premium Visa cards’ world.
Visa cards are used in almost 200 countries around the world and have various advantages. With these cards, customers can make domestic and international shopping operations via POS-terminals or online and can make various banking operations through AtaBank's AtaNet Internet or Mobile Banking application.
WhatsApp/Telegram users can contact Bank's number 050 9999136 or visit the bank’s website getting operative information about Visa cards and campaign.
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