Do you want a beneficial AZN loan? Then, you are welcome at Unibank.
Every applying Azeri citizen aged between 20 and 71 will, regardless of the occupation, get the opportunity to borrow a loan of up to AZN 5,000 for as long as 24 months. The applicant has to produce the ID and the document confirming their incomes (an employer reference, a pension statement or the payroll card statement covering 6 months past).
Unibank is one of the leading banks in the country. Its role in the market has repeatedly been praised by various international finance institutions and mass media. For instance, the special expert panel of The Banker, one of the highest-reputed international finance magazines, declared Unibank the Best Retail Bank of Azerbaijan in 2014 on consideration of the financial performance, innovative activities and development strategy of the bank. It should be mentioned also that Unibank was given the UĞUR Award for supporting the growth of the real economic sector of Azerbaijan in 2015.
Right now, Unibank, one of the largest banks in the country, is serving its customers via the 40 branches 16 of which are situated up country.
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