On April 2, 2014, Sumgait Branch of FINCA Azerbaijan NBCO that has been operating since 2001, held an event dedicated to the achievement of 10 million Loan Portfolio goal and its 13 years activity. The event was attended by Mr. Timothy Tarrant, country director of FINCA Azerbaijan and other senior officials of the organization, as well by local government and various banks representatives, and branch clients.
Sumgait office – the leader branch in FINCA Azerbaijan for its total loan portfolio amount awarded its client who has closed 10 million loan portfolio and two more clients with the longest period of cooperation with valuable gifts. Along with this, another client selected within the framework of the “1/150.000th client in each branch” campaign to be implemented in all the 65 branches of FINCA Azerbaijan was also presented special gift.
Currently, Sumgait branch with its 45 employees provides financial services to about 5500 active clients involved in agriculture, small and medium-sized businesses.
[1] https://banco.az/sites/default/files/field/newsen/img_9043.jpg
[2] https://www.addtoany.com/share#url=https%3A%2F%2Fbanco.az%2Faz%2Fbank-news%2Fsumgait-branch-of-finca-azerbaijan-held-an-event-dedicated-to-the-achievement-of-10000000&title=Sumgait%20branch%20of%20FINCA%20Azerbaijan%20held%20an%20event%20dedicated%20to%20the%20achievement%20of%2010.000.000%20loan%20portfolio%20goal%20and%2013%20years%20activity