You don't have a plastic card yet? Are you seeking for a profitable card? Do you want to acquire a new iPhone X? The time has come! Benefit the "Thoroughly profitable" campaign held by AccessBank! This discount and winning campaign will be profitable for holder of both new and current cards.
Within the frames of the campaign to be held from 27.11.2017 to 31.01.2018 the Bank provides 50% discount to the offered Mastercard Debit, Mastercard Standard, Mastercard Gold, Visa Classic and Visa Gold cards.
Besides, till January 31, 2018 the holders of the AccessBank's payment cards implementing cashless payment will have opportunity for acquiring two new iPhone X.
For participating at the winning campaign it is necessary to implement cashless payment with Visa and Mastercard issued by AccessBank (excluding the salary cards and business cards) in amount of AZN 20 (or currency equivalent) or more in any point of trade and service bot hin the country and abroad as well as paying for goods and services via Internet (excluding the operations not participating at the drawing).
The winners will be determined upon the results of calculation of the operations implemented at duration of the campaign using the Bank's cards. Two customers having implemented the most number and the highest amount of operations will acquire a new iPhone X.
The cards of AccessBank may be ordered in the large branch network of the Bank in the country or this link [2].
Acquiring quite profitable payment cards you may also use free of charge the myAccess online-banking and 3D Secure services as well as cashback, Card-to-Card, Cash by Code and other services.
The detailed information is avaliable at the Bank'soffiicial website [3], facebook [4] and twitter [5] pages as well as Call Center (151).